Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Introduction

I guess you humans all know how difficult it is to start a new piece of writing, especially the first post in a new blog where you know it will be read by tons and tons of strangers whom you will never even meet or know about. Thus, I shall cut all pleasantries and go straight to the point.

I started this blog in order to chronicle my life, which, as far as I know, averages about 10 years. 12 if I am lucky. I just turned one recently, 3rd August, to be exact. That leaves me approximately 10-11 years of my life left. That, my friend, is very SHORT, considering the fact that my first year just flew past in a blink of an eye.

1 year ago at this time, I was in Australia, happily feeding on my mother’s milk together with my siblings. There were 8 of us, 5 males and 3 females. Fresh to the world, without any tinge of doubt or fear, we nestle in the warm and comfort of our mother’s love. But alas, this was not for long. When we turned 2.5 months, the whole lot of us were vaccinated, tagged with a microchip behind our little ears and send all the way to the little nation-state, Singapore.

Upon reaching Singapore, we were quarantined for about two weeks before being send to pet shops around the country. At one particular stop, the Animal Resort at Seletar, one of my sisters and I was picked from the litter while the rest were send to other pet shops. That was the last I had seen of them. My sister was a cream colored beauty, just like my mum. I, on the other hand, was golden, just like my dad. We were both placed in the displayed case together with other dogs, some of which I have never seen before. We spent our days in the display case, chasing each other’s tails, without a care in the world. However, once the first weekend came around, I was shocked. Pesky kids came knocking on my glass when the sign clearly says “ Please do not knock on the glass”. Dumb ass. We saw some of the other puppies being bought and taken home and we both dread the day when that will happen to either of us. Thankfully, the first weekend past without either one of us being sold. Our joy was not long last as she was bought the following weekend by an Indian family. I spend the next two weeks eating, playing and most importantly, growing. I now weight 14 kg and I am starting to worry about my own fate. I hear from the older dogs around that puppies that outgrow their “cute” stage will be send away if they remained unsold. Thus, faced with the fear of uncertainty for the first time in my life, I was desperate to be sold. I put on my best behavior every time a prospective owner came. Tail-wagging, rolling over, playing with my toys, I did it all. But still no takers. I just dun get it. I was a adorable puppy with a good built and large paws. Why?

By December, I was desperate. I was in the shop for approximately 5 weeks. I was about to lose all hope and then they came. I can still remember what happen. There were three of them, 2 boys and a girl. They came in and saw me. They rushed towards me and after spending 5 minutes looking at me through the glass, they ask the sales assistant to bring me out. I charged towards them once let loose and played with them for 1 whole minute before running towards the food section. I did not know what possessed me to rush to the food section. Maybe it’s the hunger or the irresistible aroma, I dun know. They came looking for me and played with me for a while before leaving. After they left, Eric, the sales assistant scolded me for misbehaving and running around. I was devastated. I thought I had just blew my best chance of being sold. I was disgusted with myself and could not believe what I just did. But to my wildest surprise, they came back! They asked to see me again and proceed to inspect my eyes, ears, mouth, paws and so on. Satisfied, they proceed to haggle over the price which was $1800. The sales assistant refused to give in and just when I was beginning to worry, they agreed on the price and proceed to make payment. After a whirlwind of purchases such as my comb, shampoo, bowl, toys, food, snacks and supplements, I was on the car heading towards my new home. On the way home, I learnt that the older boy was named James, the younger one was Heng while the pretty female was Siying.

Upon reaching home, I was fussed over and played with by Siying and Heng while James proceeds to arrange my stuffs into containers. Night fall came quickly and I had my first meal in my new home. After dinner, we played for a while more before I was sent to my crate to spend the night.

That night, I fell asleep quickly. No howling or crying for me. Why should I?

I know I am in good hands.


Peanut said...

y m i reading abt a dog's life.....

Mitzi Lungay said...

Hi! I like dogs and I like your blog...